Reusability in Android (Kotlin) — Fragment with Data Binding
Adding data binding to fragments can be a bit tedious, especially when using the Single Activity Architecture.
In the official documentation, the preferred way to apply view binding in your fragment is as follows:
And the same goes for Data Binding. In this article, we will try removing all the boilerplate code needed for adding Data Binding in our fragments.
Create a base fragment class supporting Data Binding.
What Changes
On taking a look on the above code, it can be noticed that the only thing changing from fragment to fragment will be the Data Binding Class
and the binding Inflate Method
Step 1:
First of all , let’s create a base fragment class — FragmentX , with a binding variable. But, we need to specify a Data Binding Class Type for the binding variable, which will keep changing from fragment to fragment. So, to make this reusable, we can take the help of Kotlin Generics.
Here, we took a Type Parameter with an Upper bound of class ViewDataBinding
, which is the base class for all the generated data binding classes. Adding an upper bound will force to use only Data binding classes and not some other random class.
Step 2:
We use the static inflate
method which is available in the generated data binding classes. As the method is generated, we cannot use it in our FragmentX . Because, the only thing we know about our type parameter is that it is inherited from ViewDataBinding
, and there is no inflate method directly available in that class.
But, there is a method in DataBindingUtil
class which can help us inflate our binding using a Layout Resource Id. See DataBindingUtil.inflate.
Now, we have both the Data Binding Class
and Inflate method
in the FragmentX. In the next step, let’s complete the implementation.
Step 3:
Let’s add a helper property for the binding variable and implement the Fragment.onDestroyView()
Our FragmentX is almost ready to use, but we can still extend this to make our code more tidy.
Step 4:
Usually, when we need some initializations in our binding, we do it right after inflating, that is, in Fragment.onCreateView, as below:
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View { _binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, layoutResId, container, false)
// Initializations
binding.var1 = 0
binding.var2 = "abcdefg"
doSomethingElse() return binding.root
To do this in the inherited fragments, you will have to do something like this:
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View { val view = super.onCreateView(infater, container, savedInstanceState)
doInitializations() return view
Still, it is some boilerplate code. To fix this, we can add an extension function which can be optionally overriden in the child fragments.
Using the T.initialize()
, there will be no need to override Fragment.onCreateView to do initializations.
Kotlin Lazy Delegates with a lifecycle observer, can also be used to remove some boilerplate code, but still you need to override the methods in the fragment. In my opinion, creating a base fragment class is a better way than creating a lazy delegate.
End Notes
The FragmentX covers the usual implementation of Fragment + Data Binding, but you can always modify it to meet your requirements.